Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 2
Assassins 2 - Ultimate Games No. 2 (1995)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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* *
* Scorched Tanks V 1.85 *
* and V 1.90 *
* *
* A member of Dark Unicorn Productions *
* Tombstone BBS (803)863-0313 *
* *
* © Copyright 1993-95 Michael Welch, All Rights Reserved *
* *
Developed and Coded by
Michael Welch
Original Soundtrack by
Eric Gieseke "Sidewinder"
-Scorch-End 1
-Horizon's Edge
Special Thanks to:
Sarah Bell
Mike & Laura Farrell
DJ & Sarah
Rob Sedler
Mark Pousseur - Play Testing
Josh Wingell - Great Ideas
Aaron Wald - The Big BANG Theory
Very Special Thanks goes out to:
All the members of Dark Unicorn Productions
Shane Monroe - Fearless leader
Seumas McNally - Code wizard
Watch for his new game Flying Tigers
It's a "Fantastic" helicopter game.
Kit Felice - Talented computer artist and coder.
He's working on a game called It's The Pits
(If the artwork and style doesn't get you,
the skillful coding will)
John Graham - Digital master
His full motion video "game" called Tomcat
is super example of how to make a CD video
game without the CD. Only the Amiga!
Eric Gieseke - Musical deity
In the beginning, Sidewinder said,
"Let there be sound!"
Armed to the teeth with musical genius.
Mike Hall - Graphics artist
Charles Caffery
Troy Toulou
Adam Burns
Dale McBane
Michael Boeh - His infinite wisdom in developing Artillery games.
Thanks for the Circle idea!
* *
* Watch for Mike's new game --> Charr 1.00 *
* It's fast, it's furious, and there are so many *
* bullets on the screen. You get to build your *
* own weapons and lash out at 1-8 computer or *
* human opponents. Very nice indeed. *
* *
* In case you didn't know, Mr. Boeh wrote the *
* Artillerius series of artillery games for the *
* Amiga. *
* *
John Harris - Brilliant ideas, Incredible beta testing, and a good guy
too. Thank-you for all the help.
Peter Olafson & Tim Walsh - for putting Scorched Tanks in the...
...Amiga World "Best of '93"
Ryan Scott - Thank-you for the Turbo Plus extension.
editor This new product for Amos and Amos Pro is
of going to be featured in future versions of Scorched Tanks.
PLAYFIELD! More speed is always appreciated.
This version includes:
- 16 and 64 color graphics modes.
(This is as AGA as it gets until an
AGA extension for AMOS Pro.)
- 10 new weapons
(70 weapons total)
- New music by 'Sidewinder'
(It sounds much better in PAL mode)
- Enhanced graphics:
- Scrolling rainbow effect for added sense of depth.
- Trails that follow missiles.
(Looks cool when pushed away by Magnetic shields)
- More graphics for a commercial quality feel.
* For Registered Version 1.90: *
* - Allows for more than 5 rounds *
* - Load/Save game option *
Scorched Tanks was developed on an AMIGA 1200 with 2 Megs of Chip RAM
and 4 Megs of Fast RAM. It has been tested on an Amiga 2000 with
1 Meg of Chip RAM. It has also been tested on an Amiga 500 with
512k Chip RAM and 3 Megs of Fast Ram
If your system has only 512k of Chip RAM or only 1 Meg of total RAM,
it is suggested that the program is loaded into the computer with as
much free Chip RAM as possible.
This version of Scorched Tanks has a special 512k Chip RAM mode.
This mode reduces the size of the playfield and
cuts down on the music to save Chip RAM.
64 color graphics mode is also not available in this mode.
Scorched Tanks was developed using AMOS Pro and AMOS Pro Compiler.
This package is supposed to compile programs to work on:
Many incompatibility problems are memory related.
Running Scorched Tanks from Workbench on a 512K Chip RAM machine
may not run properly. It could run out of memory or crash.
Also, some Workbench programs like Enforcer and 'screen blankers' have
been known to cause problems with AMOS Pro.
FBL is also known to cause system failures with Scorch'.
Programs used to develop Scorched Tanks:
AMOS Pro Compiler
Brilliance 2
Final Writer Release 2
Proper Grammar 2
Directory Opus 4.1
Edge <- Thank-you INOVAtronics. Very nice text editor that
I use for everything. Excellent product.
Scorched Tanks is a tank warfare game where 1 to 4 human players or
computer controlled opponents, take turns at buying fancy weapons
and shooting them at each other. The more damage a player causes
another, the more money they get. The more money a player receives, the
larger the weapons they can buy. This is a very simple concept, but
extreemly addictive!
This game is related to a very popular game called
Scorched Earth on MS-Dos machines. I've only played Scorched Earth maybe
five times. But it impressed me so much that I decided that the
Amiga needed a version too. Scorched Tanks is very similar yet VERY
different to the MS-Dos game.
'Tanks innovates where 'Earth and other look-a-likes leave off.
It's simple to understand, yet complex enough to be challenging.
The gameplay and interface are so easy to understand, an 8 year old can pick
it up in no time. It was tested on a group of little kids. They spent
two hours screaming and jumping around as they blew-up each others
computer tanks. Basically it's simple to learn and the interface's
layout doesn't take away from the game.
The graphics and music try to add the, all important, Amiga feel
to the game.
It draws people that hate computers.
(Only if you can force them to look at the screen!)
(* Anytime during game, hit [CTRL]-C to Quit game or
[LEFT AMIGA]-A to toggle between Workbench and Scorched Tanks.)
In the beginning.......
There is the new front end.
If you have enough Chip Ram, some really great music comes on and
a panel of buttons and gadets slide onto the screen.
Each player has its own 'box' to edit the way it plays the game.
Human player:
Icon of person running
Panal to edit players name
Slider to change the amount of money there is to start with
Computer player:
Icon of computer chip.
Also a panel to edit players name.
Sliders to change Computer players IQ:
-Stupid or Smart
-Offensive or Defensive
Load Game - Loads game on the registered version.
Options - Loads option screen for customizing Scorch'.
Wind: Off, Light, Medium, Strong
Different wind levels to make the game more challenging.
Terrain: Random, Hills, Flatlands, Gorge, Cliff
DIfferent terrain types with new colors to add more variety.
Exp. Size: Small, Standard, Large
Small for the die-hard sharp shooters and
Large for the mass-destruction maniacs.
Gravity: Low, Medium, High
Pla. Order: In Order, Losers, Winners, Random
In Order- Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4
Losers- Losers of previous round go first
Winners- Winners of previous round go first
Random- A random shuffling of the player orders every round
Interest%: Ten%, Twenty%, Thirty%, Forty%, Fifty%
Amount of interest gained every round.
Screen Size: Small, Long, Tall, Full-size
Adjust the playfield to a desired size
Note: 512k Chip RAM users can not access Full-size playfields
Screen Colors: Switches between 16 and 64 color graphics mode
if enough Chip RAM is available
Info - Displays information about current version of game along
with details on how to order a registered version of
Scorched Tanks.
Rounds - Use the arrows to select the number of rounds to play.
Note: Only the registered version allows for more than
5 rounds of game play.
Start Game - Starts the game.
Quit - Exits game to workbench or otherwise.
Buying weapons & Shields-
WeaponsLink is how each player buys and sells weapons, shields, and
other items of use. Choose the desired item and select buy or
To switch from Shields to Weapons mode, select <Weapons> or <Shields>
and either click [Buy] or the name itself.
Make sure to select Initial Defense before entering the battlefield.
Click on [Initial Defense] to select your starting shield option.
Select DONE to go to the next player.
Each player must fire at the other tanks until there is only one
tank left.
Before Fireing weapons, remember to set angle, power, and desired
weapon before clicking FIRE.
Other options available during a players turn are:
Scanner- Click in scanner window to adjust view screen or to checkout
currently off screen areas of the playfield.
Stats- Click on a players name to read individual stats of the player.
SH-Shields(0 to 99) DA-Damage(0 to 50)
when hit, player first loses shields, then receives damage.
If damage drops to zero, player is removed so to say.
Help- On-line help is available buy clicking [Help].
Clicking [Help] toggles the help option from on to off.
Use- Only seen when in shield selection mode.
Click [Use] to select the shield options you have bought.
Save- Saves game in the registered version
Quit- Exit that game and return to main screen.
Switching from Shields to Weapons Selection-
Click the up arrow to the <Shields> or <Weapons> choice.
If you have no shields to use, No Shields is displayed and
the program will keep you in Weapons mode.
End of round-
At the end of round, Bonuses are awarded and ranking for the game is
given. At the end of the last round the winner of the game will be
announced and the game will end.
(The tie breaker is - who has the most money -)
Good-Luck and have fun beating on your computer buddies!
(Computer controlled or otherwise)
Program history-
V 0.10
-Bad joystick controlled interface
-Nice screen scrolling
-automatic PAL/NTSC support
V 0.50
-Shields added
-Mondo graphics improvement
V 0.70
-Cool Sound effects
-Music added
-Most of the newer weapons added
V 0.95
-Parachutes added
-Lava & Liquid Nitrogen weapons added
-Fixed bugs
-Made to work on slow computers with at least a meg of memory
V 1.00
-Computer controlled tanks
-Louder BANGS
-Scatter Shot, Firecracker, Super Zapper, And Chain Reaction added
V 1.00a
-Improved Weapon Selector
-Vectors used instead of Physics Equation to calculate bullets
MEANING Faaaaaaaaaster. A little anyways.
-Damage bonus display bug-fix
V 1.00b
-Better(higher resolution) power select bar
-Help option
-Customizes program to available amount of memory
V 1.15
-512k Chip support
-Joystick control support
-11 different Shield options (Absorbing, Reflecting, Magnetic, etc...)
-Tank movement (Transport, Move Tank)
-"Return to Player" speed-up
-Hold mouse to repeat
V 1.20
-Options screen
Explosion size
Player order
Adjustable interest rate
Customizable playfield sizes
-Documentation on all weapons an shields
-Weapon-> Crimson Flood
-Improved characteristics of shields
-20 new weapons
-Original soundtrack by Sidewinder
-New Front-End
-Improved control over computer players
-New control panal
-tank sliding
-2 new shield types
-Slider for Weaponlink
-New death sequences
-Quit buttons
-Lots of little improvements
-Nasty flicker bug after weapon link is fixed
-AGA fix. AMOS Pro AGA unstability fixed
-Flash Blast bug when playing with Large explosions turned on
-Tracer bug fixed
-"Weird" character in Player's name crash <- fixed
-Fixed Mag. shield crash on 512k Chip Amigas
-fixed glitch in the Scanner
-Load/Save game option
V1.85 & 1.90
-16 and 64 color graphics modes
-10 new weapons, 70 total
-New music by Sidewinder
-Enhanced in-game graphics
The Future
I plan to finish the 100 weapons that I promised.
Modem play is still a possibility.
AGA graphics would also be nice in future versions.
And I'm still trying to give Scorched Tanks that commercial feel that
I've wanted for so long. More graphics, more sounds, more music,
more of everything that makes me glad that I own an Amiga.
I'm 20 years old, have 2 jobs, and will be getting married to a beautiful
young woman named Sarah Bell on June 3rd, 1994.
I'm constantly in a struggle free time. Still, I bent over backwards and
put in the extra effort to finish this game for the Amiga community.
If you enjoy this game, register today.
Do it for the sake of the Amiga market. The more people that I can show
that Shareware DOES work, the more new games you'll see in the future.
Trust me, it will work out for all of use if we support each other.
\\\ The future is up to you ///
/// Let me know the game is worth it! \\\
Anyone who registers this game will receive the LATEST registered version
of Scorched Tanks.
Currently, registered versions allow for more than 5 rounds and a handy
Load/Save game option is available.
Registered users will then be able to get upgrades to Scorch' for
$3.00 US.
If you registered the game with me personally, then send me $3.00 US
and I'll send you the newest version.
If you registered Scorched Tanks through NorthWest Public Domain,
then send them $3.00 dollars US when newer versions are released.
Registering the Game:
If you register V1.85, you will receive V1.90 which supports a
Load/Save game option and allows for more than 5 rounds to be played.
I only disabled those few options because I worked really hard on the
Scorch' Project. I want to share what I created. I cut the Load/Save
options and the number of options so that people who play the game a lot
can register and get the most out of Scorch'. If your a serious player,
these options are for you.
If your not, then you get to enjoy the game for free.
So register and show me that you want development to continue on this game.
I'll need the motivation. Besides, sending me ten dollars is one sure
fire way to get your ideas heard and to make a new friend.
I would love to get comments and ideas. New weapons ideas and
other options would be great.
I want Scorched Tanks to be the best it can be. Please help me out.
To Register, send $12.00 US plus $2.00 for shipping and handling to:
(Orders outside US, Canada, and Mexico please add $3.00)
NorthWest Public Domain
P.O. Box 1617
Auburn, WA 98071-1617
Or use a phone and Call:
Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted in US funds.
Visa and Master Card credit cards can also be used (for North American
orders as well as all over the world. Just call today!)
To contact me personally:
Michael Welch
PO Box 672
Vestal, NY 13850
I may not be able to answer everyone's mail, but comments, bug reports, and
words of encouragement are graciously accepted.
(I need some more shield options, any ideas out there?)
* *
* Weapon and Shield options manual *
* for Scorched Tanks *
* *
* revised 12-5-94 *
* *
Total weapons available: 70
Single Shot:
Small weapon that does very low damage.
Unlimited supply.
Big Shot:
Larger weapon that has large explosion and offers more damage.
Three warheads with small but destructive capability.
5 Shot:
Five warheads with large explosions and a very destructive explosion.
Deadly if used properly.
Warhead that bounces 3 times, leaving an explosion with every bounce.
Skips are 1/2 the original vertical velocity.
Super Skipper:
Like original skipper except it bounces 5 times with larger explosions.
Handy on the flatlands.
Covers area with loose dirt.
Big Dirtball:
Covers area with LOTS of loose dirt.
Mountain Mover:
Explosion removes dirt from area without directly causing damage to
surrounding tanks.
Warhead shoots a laser at tanks that it comes within 40 pixels from.
Weapon hits ground and rolls down hill until it reaches an incline.
Large Roller:
Like Roller but with MUCH larger explosion.
Weapons hits ground and glides over land until it hits a tank.
Mega Cruiser:
Same as Cruiser but with a very large and dangerous explosion.
Dirt Slinger:
Defensive weapon that throws dirt up into the air to cover tanks below.
Guidence system for SDI space satilite.
Fires 5 shots in the area where the tracer landed.
Big Laser:
Big guns version of the laser.
10 shots rain from the heavens causing much more damage.
Pile Driver:
Causes a very deep hole to be formed in the earth.
Morph Wall:
Defensive weapon that causes wall to morph from the ground right
before your eyes. Isn't technology great!
Baby version of an extremely fatal nuclear warhead.
Mega Nuke:
Very large, Very fatal, Very devistating.
Imediate death.
Sound Blast'er:
Sonic attack. Spreads out horizontally or attacks on flat land or
through small hills.
Defensive system used to reduce damage by falling.
Homing missile:
Weapon stops in mid-air over the first tank it flies over.
Very little damage but a sure hit.
Causes a pool of molten lava to spread out over the land.
Lava hardens to form rock.
Liquid Nitrogen:
Same as lava but evaporates when finished.
Scatter Shot:
On impact, warhead splits into five ballistic warheads that spread out
over the surrounding land to cause local damage.
Weapon set off a series of small explosions in the general area of
Supper Zapper:
Weapon that sends out a deadly laser to any tank that it comes within
80 pixels from.
Very dangerous!
Chain Reaction:
Big brother to Firecracker. Larger explosions and a little more damage.
Dirt Mover:
Vertical blast that removes dirt from overhead.
Cruiser Mine:
Anti-Cruiser and roller system.
Places a mine in area that will detonate any oncoming cruisers or
"Picks up" a tank and randomly places it somewhere else on the playfield.
Warhead burrows into the ground and explodes on hitting the bottom of the
playfield or in an attempt to resurface.
Good for attacks through hills.
Upon impact, warhead burrows into the ground and digs upward in the
ground. Weasel will self-destruct if it passes under a tank.
It also explodes when hitting the bottom of the playfield of when
it attempts to resurface.
Move Tank:
Allows for tank movement to the left or right of current position.
Laser Beam:
Fires a straight Laser beam from the tank.
Great for up close battles with other tanks.
Weapons fires from tank three different times.
Large explosion but small damage.
Dome Protect:
Creates a dome around the tank that issues it.
Crimson Flood:
Fire and molted brimstone erupt from the ground five times.
Causes wide-spread destruction.
Grab Bag:
Ramdomly picks a weapon that is worth more than $4000.
The big question is "Which one?" That's the chance you take.
Field Medic:
Fixes all damage caused to tank.
Tank Displacer:
Teleports the tank that is hit with this warhead.
When the warhead lands, it begins rolling in the opposite direction
it was fired. It's like a reverse Cruiser.
A Cruiser that explodes like a Dirtball.
My favorite "Dirty" weapon!
Homing Weasel:
It's a Weasel that stops below a tank and flies up threw the ground
at it.
Dirt Inverter:
A warhead that picks up the ground around the general area of impact
and throws it down. Good for putting tanks 'underground.'
Destroys your tank before another tank does and gets the money.
Molten Plastic:
A Lava style weapon that leaves reflective plastic on the ground.
The reflective plastic will bounce warheads back into the air.
Turns the surrounding area of impact into reflective Plastic.
Defense Wall:
Builds a wall of plastic. Used to protect your tank or to goof-up
someone else's shot.
Smart Bomb:
This weapon is the only bullet that will explode on contact with
Plastic terrain or with Reflective/Feedback shields.
Crater Maker:
Large explosion that clears away all the dirt with its explosion.
Flash Blast:
A small weapon that releases an electromacnetic blast that causes
damage to tanks but doesn't damage the terrain.
Big Blast:
A bigger Flash Blast.
Mega Blast:
A huge Flash Blast.
A tunneling device that digs a hole in the selected direction.
Good for getting under your opponents and firing up at them with
Groundhogs, Weasels, or Homing Weasels.
Mega Move Tank:
Moves the Tank much farther than the standard Move Tank.
Warhead that fires a spray of bullets into the sky and throws them
down to the ground in a shower of destruction.
(Can you tell I love this weapon!)
A device that sets off a light where your warhead would land if you
fired it there. After firing a tracer, it's the same tanks turn again.
If missile gets close enough to an enemy tank, it will send a spray of
strong explosions in all directions.
Builds a dome of reflective dirt around player's tank.
Lifts ground along with surrounding tanks where the missle
Scorches all tanks caught in blast. Causes damage as well as
permanent embarrassment.
Crazy 8's:
Bounces back and forth eight times.
Launches a spray of eight bullets to the exact same spot.
Similar to Minigun, but explosions are more powerful and shots
are spread out in the same area.
Shield Disarm:
Discharges tank's current shields. Very handy for using on players
who are shield mongers.
Mark 4:
Multiple warhead that splits into four pieces on decent.
Mark 8:
Multiple warhead that splits into eight very powerful missiles
when it descends. Explosions are dangerous and spread is
deadly. A weapon to deal damage with.
Absorb 1 - Standard issue shield system.
Absorb 2 - Absorbs 25% of damage.
Absorb 3 - Absorbs 50% of damage.
Reflect 1 - Reflect 50% of all bullets.
Reflect 2 - Reflects 75% of all bullets and absorbs 25% of damage.
Reflect 3 - Reflects 100% of all bullets hitting the shield and also
absorbs 50% of damage caused.
Magnetic 1 - Pushes away incoming bullets.
Magnetic 2 - Pushes away (much harder) incoming bullets while absorbing
25% of damage.
Magnetic 3 - Seriously forces away incoming bullets while also
absorbing 50% of all damage.
X-tinguisher- In a direct hit, shield neutralizes incoming weapon and
places it into current tanks weapon inventory.
Absorbs 50% of damage.
Detonator - Anti-nuke shielding system.
Explodes Nukes and other dangerous warheads before they
get close enough to damage tank.
Absorbs 50% of damage.
Displacer - Teleports warhead to a random location.
Feedback - Sends warhead back in the direction it can from.
(Often right back to the person who fired it) :)